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Showing posts with the label Football

2021 World Cup kicks off in Qatar with Arab Cup

It looks like football fans around the world will now start watching the 2022 World Cup held in Qatar, which will force the football world to stop before the next version of the global wedding. It's like a global inauguration of the stadiums that will host the World Cup in Qatar, a country that wants to prove that it is ready to present the best version, that is to say a year before the meeting of the most strong on its ground. FIFA is organizing, in partnership with Qatar, the FIFA Arab Cup, with the participation of the strongest Arab teams from Asia and Africa. the champion will win a similar copy of the World Cup made up of pure gold, in addition to millions of dollars to the champion and participants. It's really a mini World Cup, and Morocco are the last title holders in 2012. Strong teams such as the internationally renowned Moroccan team will compete in the World Cups, which leads the World Cup qualifiers with six wins and no losses. The Moroccan team includes the best

The dream of the Ballon d'Or 2021 ... the luckiest candidates this year

  The Golden Ball trophy awarded by France football magazine each year in favor of the best player for one year after the cancellation of 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic. This year with the resumption of sports competitions. The Golden Ball award goes back to be awarded to the best player.The choice this year was very difficult since there are several young stars entered the race and this race that was launched especially between the winners of the Euro, the Champions League, the Copa America and the League of Nations. At the beginning, everyone was convinced that the Golden Ball will be given to Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo given their performances marked by stability for several years as well as for their footballing qualities and their achievements. But other players have arrived to discuss their chances of winning this trophy.        Cristiano Ronaldo The essential Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus Turin then Manchester United)              Lionel Messi Argentinian Lionel Mess

European Super League football, a game among the world's top companies

  Recently, the story of the creation of the European Super Championship, which will bring together many of the largest European clubs, has exploded in the media, instead of participating in the European Champions League organized by the European Union. The Spanish team Real Madrid was the leader of the idea and the owner of the initiative, and its president, Perez, announced the launch of the tournament. Twenty major European clubs have announced their participation in this alternative Champions League tournament, and they are Manchester United Manchester City Chelsea Tottenham Arsenal Liverpool Juventus Milan Inter Real Madrid Barcelona Atletico Madrid Bayern Munich and Paris Saint-Germain were also supposed to be present, but so far German and French clubs have refused to join the tournament. The teams had expressed their anger at the financial revenues granted by the European Union, and they are small compared to the size of the competitions and the revenues from television b

Premier league: the suspense is still there

Despite Liverpool having decided in the name of the winner of the 2019/2020 premier league title, the meetings continue to determine the teams that will accompany the Reds in continental competitions. Indeed, a series of matches is scheduled in this way: The main meetings are linked to teams which play in the qualifying places of the champions league and EUFA cup.   Manchester United are invited this evening to win at all costs their match against Brighton to occupy the fifth place and to minimize the difference with cheslsea to two points. On the other hand, Leicester ranked third with 55 points will visit Everton, his match is very important for a place in the champions league and for a historic participation, a match against Everton who has no ambition this season and who is preparing for build another team for next year. For Arsenal, it will be difficult to have a qualifying place in the EUFA cup, since it occupies the 10th place and it will need the other teams to achiev

Moroccan football returns to the stadiums

In a news long awaited by Moroccan football fans, the Moroccan Minister of Youth and Sports came out with a decision permitting the resumption of sports activity in the Kingdom of Morocco after a three-month hiatus due to the spread of the Corona epidemic. The decision allows a football university to take the necessary measures to gradually return to the stadiums, as the Royal Football Association decided by: -           Training returns on June 25. -           Group training for 20 days. -           Corona analysis for all players within three days. -           All games are scheduled for the tournament to end on September 13th. -           Play all games and video technology. it is reported that the Moroccan League is considered the strongest African championship, and Wydad Sports is ranked first, and it is the champion of the previous season and 20 times Moroccan champion. The Moroccan teams Wydad, Raja, Berkane and Agadir are committed to participating in the CAF Ch

Neymar Jr's problems are endless....

Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior's  problems with his former club are still roaming the corridors of the Spanish courts.The Barcelona Court had issued a court ruling against the talented Brazilian player Neymar DA Silva Santos Júnior to pay 6.79 million euros in Barcelona, and it may be the end of this file that poisoned the relationship between the two parties. The player had left Barcelona in 2017 towards the French capital team in order to play for the Princes Park Club in a huge deal amounting to 222 million euros, which all the international newspapers wrote about, and experts spoke that the number was exaggerated. The issue started immediately after the player’s lightning departure, to return to Neymar, filing a complaint with the court requesting the Barcelona team to pay 43.6 million euros in compensation for the grants and the signing deal. The court said that Neymar would have to compensate for the remarkable surplus of the extension due to the fact that he ended his con

The wonders of the Brazilian League do not stop, two teams refuse to play

In a strange scene, as if it was one of the comic stories, the organizing committee of the Rio de Janeiro League decided to program two matches for Fluminense and Botafogo on Monday in the framework of the resumption of the league that has been suspended for three months. Everything is normal, but the surprise was that the two teams said that they would not play because of their lack of physical availability and that they needed training, while Botafogo announced that he would not be ready a month from now so that it became clear that the players had not trained in isolation, as officials asked them when the virus started. The two sides went to the court to reject the match decision, but the court rejected the request for postponement and asked the two teams to play the interviews, which increased pressure on Fluminense and Boufogo, where they would be defeated legally if they did not play. However, it appears that solutions are available in Brazil, when the mayor decided to post

The 2020 World Cup in Qatar

The 2022 World Cup to be hosted by Qatar is approaching, as the host country announced the inauguration of  the Education City Stadium. The thing that proves that this country is ready to live up to the expectations of the global public as well as other stakeholders in the most popular game on the planet. Indeed, the stadium inaugurated before two days in a virtual way because of CORONA VIRUS closed the number twelve which  represents the theaters where the beautiful football matches will take place and the places which will, without doubt, be memorized in the history of qualified nations. The Education City stadium, with a capacity of 40,000 seats, located in the heart of the universities of the capital DOHA, also named jewel of the desert for its unique shape, is attractive thanks to its design of projectors for brighter nights and to guarantee nights like the a thousand nights and nights for the benefit of spectators who will quench their passions towards football as well to sp