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Showing posts with the label premier league

New Castle: History of a great club between the glory of the past and the killers of Jamal Khashoggi….

Everyone is aware of the negotiations between the owners of the English club New Castle is the sovereign fund of the Saudi kingdom led by the famous crown prince of the Saudi throne Mr IBN SELMANE.   Indeed, the club of New Castle champion of England in four times and holder of six English Cups, faced with the financial challenges and the management constraints that it faces in recent years, the owners have decided to give up a share of the actions to a third party in order to inject significant liquidity which will undoubtedly help the team to rebuild its policy and renovate its bodies in order to return to national and continental competitions, since the key factor in the success of competitors is foreign investors, especially Arabs.   On top of that, the club and among the most famous teams in the north of England and have a good reputation in the European football world, its name is known in international football and it has groups in several countries around the world. w

Manchester city: the arbitral tribunal ruled

A long-awaited cancellation decision regarding the suspension of recruiting for the English team Manchester City. The decision of the arbitral tribunal was in favor of Manchester City and authorizes this team to recruit the players. This decision was in contradiction with that of the UEFA financial control body for non-compliance with financial fair play, which decided to suspend all recruitment operations for a period of two. "Manchester City has not disguised its sponsorship contracts but has failed to cooperate with UEFA," said CAS in a statement released this morning at 8:30 a.m. The court announced that following poor cooperation between Manchester City and UEFA, the English team has not been able to show all of the sponsorship contracts and this is not a disguise. And therefore he ordered the club to pay 10 million euros in 30 days. Manchester City officials say the two-year suspension from not participating in European competitions was a hard decision on the

Premier league: the suspense is still there

Despite Liverpool having decided in the name of the winner of the 2019/2020 premier league title, the meetings continue to determine the teams that will accompany the Reds in continental competitions. Indeed, a series of matches is scheduled in this way: The main meetings are linked to teams which play in the qualifying places of the champions league and EUFA cup.   Manchester United are invited this evening to win at all costs their match against Brighton to occupy the fifth place and to minimize the difference with cheslsea to two points. On the other hand, Leicester ranked third with 55 points will visit Everton, his match is very important for a place in the champions league and for a historic participation, a match against Everton who has no ambition this season and who is preparing for build another team for next year. For Arsenal, it will be difficult to have a qualifying place in the EUFA cup, since it occupies the 10th place and it will need the other teams to achiev

Arsenal protects its players and confirms their contracts…

Arsenal officially renewed player David Louiz’s contract for an additional one year.The information was published on the official Arsenal page on twitter while adding that the extension of the player's contract was not the only information disseminated. The club was able to convince Real Madrid to extend their loan until the end of the current 2019/2020 season as regards player Dani Ceballos. The residency of players Pablo Mari and Cedric Soares will last longer than expected by concluding an extension agreement with arsenal for a long period not determined by the press release. The details of these contracts remain hidden from the media and no information has been communicated in this regard either by the club or by the players and their managers. We inform you that the arsenal team occupies the 10th place in the classification of the English championship and the performance of the team was not up to the spectators and the calendar plans nine games to play before the end of

Eric Contonna, The King of Old Trafford

Frenchman Eric Contonna born in France on May 24, 1966, the player who became an actor. The player who played in the French championship and then in England in his strongest teams at that time. He is nicknamed Eric the King by spectators and fans of world football, a player with formidable abilities and a rare attacker to reproduce, but so he was unique in his behavior inside the stadium but also outside. Gifted by his techniques which helped Eric to be Champions of England in four times with the Leeds, he was also famous for his dry character. The player was named best player who has evolved within the club in its history. On top of that, according to a Barclays poll, Eric was the best player in the history of the Premier League. His style and his personality make him a brilliant actor, and he had encountered in his career, situations that marked the history of the first league such as his scene with one of the spectators who went beyond the spectator bar and had insulted Eric,