New Castle: History of a great club between the glory of the past and the killers of Jamal Khashoggi….
Everyone is aware of the negotiations between the owners of the English club New Castle is the sovereign fund of the Saudi kingdom led by the famous crown prince of the Saudi throne Mr IBN SELMANE. Indeed, the club of New Castle champion of England in four times and holder of six English Cups, faced with the financial challenges and the management constraints that it faces in recent years, the owners have decided to give up a share of the actions to a third party in order to inject significant liquidity which will undoubtedly help the team to rebuild its policy and renovate its bodies in order to return to national and continental competitions, since the key factor in the success of competitors is foreign investors, especially Arabs. On top of that, the club and among the most famous teams in the north of England and have a good reputation in the European football world, its name is known in international football and it has groups in several countries around the...