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Showing posts with the label Bayer 04 Leverkusen

Bayern Munich: the Emperor of Germany

  It was unnatural not to find Bayern Munich in the final of the German cup but it is normal that the cup is still in the possession of this great club.   The German Cup final brought together Bayer Munich and Bayer 04 Leverkusen, who had a four-to-one score in favor of Bayer Munich.   In a match without supporters and in an empty stadium, Bayer Munich started the match with a very strong way. with a goal in the 16th minute and a second goal in the twenty-four minutes so that the first half ends with this result.   In the second half, things did not change, Bayer Munich increased the score with a third goal and a fourth goal in the last minute of the match.   Bayer 04 Leverkusen tried to get back in the game but his two goals were insufficient to avoid losing the cup. With this Victory, Bayern Munich added the 20th German Cup to its Prize list.