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Showing posts with the label father's day

Away from sport, we stand today to honor our fathers... It is Father's Day.

Today marks the annual anniversary of the Fathers ’Day, which makes us stand to immortalize this memory and be thankful to them for what they did for us in order to be the best and most successful because our success was an inner happiness and great joy.Is there anyone today who feels happy for you? Certainly they are rare people, and you will only meet them rarely, and we must stick to them and give them great love. Fathers ’Day is an occasion to reflect on the difficulties our parents faced in order to obtain housing, a place to sleep, food and clothes to boast in front of our friends, and to reflect on the first gifts and their encouragement in school competitions and their enthusiasm for success at the university. We have to be grateful to them while they stay up at the hospital when we fall ill.   We remember when our father sold his car to pay the costs and perform the operations and for the mother who cried throughout the night and sold her ring, the camel for generation...