the player number one, and tennis star Novak Djokovic announced he was infected with the Corona virus and that the test results were positive. The player had participated in the series Adria in Belgrade, Serbia and then in Zadar, Croatia and was the fourth player to have positive test results. The player was criticized earlier for organizing the competition and inviting players in an atmosphere witnessing the spread of the Corona virus, alerting Novak Djokovic, about the importance of the safety of the players and the fans, and he said in a statement, "Everything we did last month, we did it with a pure heart and sincere intentions" and added, `` Our tournament aims to Unify and exchange the message of solidarity and sympathy throughout the region, '' and that the decision to organize the tournament came after the spread of the virus had declined. The player also said, `` Unfortunately, this virus still exists, and it is a new fact that we are still learning how...
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