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Gianni Infantino: FIFA president, will he follow joseph sepp blatter

There is no smoke without fire, an old saying that may well be placed in the new case of FIFA President Gianni Infantino


Indeed, the justice in Switzerland has triggered criminal proceedings against the president of FIFA following the decision of the extraordinary federal prosecutor investigating the relationship between the chief prosecutor in Switzerland, Michael Lauber and the president of FIFA.

The extraordinary Swiss prosecutor was on mission to verify the validity of the suspicions circulating around FIFA and he found that Michael Lauber who is the attorney general of the Swiss confederation, had informal working meetings with Gianni Infantino the president of FIFA u during which he did not produce any official reports contrary to what is required by the Code of Criminal Procedure. And the justice in Switzerland asked the question: such a Monsieur, attorney general, man of law and a former judge falls into this error!!! and why Gianni Infantino will meet the Attorney General without traceability and what is he hiding?


In March 2020, the prosecution's supervisory authority found that he exhibited unfair behavior and made false statements during his hearings about his meetings with Gianni Infantino

Following these accusations, he submitted his resignation on July 24, 2020 while continuing to "firmly reject the accusation of violations of the duty of office" and the extraordinary prosecutor confirmed that there is a relationship between the two men. and there are elements of improper behavior.

A FIFA statement clarified that the president is at the disposal of the authorities and he will cooperate to confirm his innocence

"We can well remember the state of the Fifa institution in 2015 and how much fundamental judicial intervention was really necessary to help restore its credibility"

"As President of Fifa, my goal from day one has been and remains to assist the authorities in the investigation of past wrongdoing by Fifa"

FIFA's ethical balance hemorrhage continues after court-confirmed corrupt disclosures against former FIFA President Sepp Blatter and UEFA President Michel Platini who were suspended for 6 years and 4 years and 10 years for the former secretary general of Fifa, the French Jérôme Valcke who was found guilty in the case of resale of tickets for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.



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